Top Storytelling Frameworks Driving Startup Growth and Success in 2022

Destiny Otoadese
3 min readMar 19, 2022

It was on LinkedIn I first stumbled across David’s communique piece titled "Fundraising PR no longer hits as it used to" a guest article by Victoria Crandall

I say this is one of the best and most insightful pieces I’ve read online. Here’s why

  1. The article covers to an extent how more founders/startups can build a healthier relationship with the media through integrated efforts (multi-channel strategy) by utilizing paid, owned, as well as earned media to drive results which I believe can have a wider range of application. Depending on how you choose to look at it
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2. A key takeaway is that Fundraising PR and the media engagements around it is just the beginning and while startups need to make noise about their investments, more startups should aim to stand out from the crowd by developing strategic, data-driven storytelling frameworks. This could include publishing relevant industry data and useful insights via your owned channels

Revealing a clear path to establishing expertise and building relationships with not just the media but also connecting with key audiences to build your reputation and credibility, as well as engage investors and partners by leaning towards thought leadership and owned media with proof the approach yields lasting results.

3. To be clear "Thought leadership" is when people see founders and their startups as an authoritative source for a particular niche. To build a reputation and establish authority, when you think about it, it’s worth contributing information and insight on identified newsworthy topics in your areas of expertise (as long as it’s not done overboard or come off as salesy) A general rule of thumb is to be authentic and earn this trust and credibility by consistently sharing reliable industry insights, trends analysis, and data. In other words - offering consistent value in form of information

This content can be published on owned channels e.g. blogs, Medium page, YouTube channel, Twitter, Linkedin. If it is really interesting and newsworthy then it could likely get picked up by other publications for free, translating to earned media engagements

4. Also it would be helpful to truly stand out if more startups start to look inward at their core values and what they stand for and build around that (some say the more counterintuitive the better, who knows?) As a founder and entrepreneur you can also share your expertise or opinions on industry-related topics (professionally of course)

A deep dive into the inner workings of your company or industry would make good content that would certainly be helpful for those looking to learn more about who you are and what you offer. This tends to be more effective if compelling and perceived as authentic

The article presents solid evidence throughout that well planned and researched content can go viral, generate interest in what you offer and drive organic engagement in the process. But all that doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long game that bears fruit through value-oriented processes and consistent quality output.

If you’re interested in reading more on this subject here’s a Link to the full article, enjoy!

